Thursday, August 11, 2011

I think there's a cloud at the end of the tunnel...

Oh! Oh! Clouds!

Not rain on my spot of ground clouds, but maybe block out some of the sun and lower the heat a scooch clouds. Wonderful to see.

The heat is gearing down just a bit. 103 today. 101 tomorrow. Saturday? maybe 100.
Saturday would break the 1980 record of 42 triple-digit days, although all in all, 1980 will retain the record for total number of days.

Saturday, I'll abandon my vigil and go on to other things.

It has been worth it. Concentrating on sweat and discomfort has been better than wondering if any of my invested retirement funds will be left. Or brooding about the odd fact there is street violence in Great Britain. Or familiarizing myself more with sequestration--do I have the word right? What we get if Congress continues to refuse to do their jobs.

My spot of green is getting a bit larger. The St. Augustine definitely is safe.
I was reflecting recently that it is summer, and my oldest granddaughter has not had to mow in two months.

Texas summers, baby, in a home where we know the bermuda will come back when it rains again sometime.

I don't know if any critters are hitting my pan of water in the yard or not. Haven't seen any birds. Bet they don't like the shiny. I'd like a birdbath, but can't find one so far under $150. I will.

Today, the library.

Tomorrow, the pool, and while we still have our suits on, we'll wash the dust off my screened porch. It really needs it.

My mornings at the picnic table on the back porch have become a really pleasant part of the day.

Thank you, Gracie.

1 comment:

clairz said...

We are thinking the same thoughts, these endlessly hot, dry days. I got tears in my eyes when the extended forecast listed a couple of days coming up that will be in the 90s.

Your closing remark made me think of Burns and Allen: "Say goodnight, Gracie."